When does the Notting Hill Carnival take place?
- July
- August
- February
The Notting Hill Carnival is influenced by
- the Chinese culture
- the American culture
- the Caribbean culture
Shrove Tuesday is also known as
- Cookie Day
- Pancake Day
- Fish and Chips Day
May Day is celebrated on
- the first of May
- the second of May
- the third of May
Morris dancing is
- a form of English folk dance
- a dance for children
- a dance mostly danced by women
Morris dancers usually wave their
- belts
- hands
- handkerchiefs
Bonfire Night is on the
- 4th of November
- 5th of November
- 6th of November
On Bonfire Night, .... is remembered
- Guy Ritchie
- Guy Fawkes
- Guy Farrow
The Boat Race is between
- Oxford and Eton
- Oxford and Harvard
- Oxford and Cambridge
The Boat Race takes place every year in
- summer
- winter
- spring
Both Teams for the Boat race are known as
- blues
- reds
- greens
Shrove Tuesday is the day before
- Ash Wednesday
- All Saints
- Bonfire Night